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Scholarly work by Seminary’s first Ph.D. published: “Intercession of Jesus in Hebrews”

Dr. Abeneazer Urga prepares to present a paper at a meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)

July 21, 2022

The first student to earn a Ph.D. from Columbia Biblical Seminary at CIU has a new book coming out this fall based on his doctoral dissertation.

Dr. Abeneazer G. Urga is a faculty member at the in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and is a CIU adjunct professor. He earned a Master of Divinity degree from CIU in 2014, and the Ph.D. in Biblical Studies in 2021.

His book is titled, and is published by academic publisher located in Germany.

From Ethiopia, Urga recently responded to an email Q&A about his book

Why were you interested in the topic, “Intercession of Jesus in Hebrews?”

The idea of divine intercession (whether Christ's or the Spirit's intercession) isa very controversial subject in Ethiopia. In one theological tradition, Jesus' post-resurrection task is only to judge rather than to intercede on behalf of believers. While my research did not address this uniquely Ethiopian contextual issue, I plan to use my findings as background for my next writing project.

Why is it important to understand the present mediatorial task of Jesus?

We are in-betweenpeople. We find ourselves between thetwo advents, still struggling with sin, Satan and the world. Knowing that Jesus sacrificed himself once-for-all on the cross and currently is praying for us at the Father's side encourages us to persevere in our faith journey. In other words, Jesus' present mediatorial task tells us two things: one about ourselves and the other about Jesus. We live in an already-but-not-yet state, saved and yet waiting for salvation. While we wait, Jesus is a faithful high priest who cares about his people in the time of our needs.

Is this something that is missing in the preaching and teaching in some churches?

Much of the church's focus in preaching and teaching — whether in Ethiopia or beyond — is on Jesus' death and resurrection. This is good. But Jesus' intercession is too often neglected. I think the reason could be that Jesus' heavenly intercession appears to contradict the idea that his work was finished once-for-all during his ministry on earth. As I have argued in my dissertation, Jesus' work is both finished and still ongoing. This is clearly communicated in the term "session." The session of Jesus is indicative of two things. First, Jesus finished his superior sacrificial ministry on the cross. Hence, there will never be another sacrifice that could surpass his. Second, his session is an indication of his active, verbal, and real intercession in the heavenly tabernacle for his people (Heb 7:25).

You were the first to earn a Ph.D. from CIU’s seminary. In what ways did your CIU experience assist you in your ministry?

The main takeaway from my CIU experience is the academic hospitality I experienced. My doctoral supervisor was Dr. Don Howell, who was always available, demanding but gentle and pastoral, who is comfortable dwelling in the center of biblical tension, willing to listen, and committed to embodying the "head, heart, hands" emphasis of CIU. The rigorous Ph.D. journey coupled with the relational aspect of this program combined to create an experience that has equipped me for my current teaching ministry.

Describe your role at Evangelical Theological College.

I am a professor in Biblical Studies. Recently, I have designed the M.A. in Biblical Studies program, and I am serving as the head of this new program. Following the example of CIU professors like Dr. Howell, Dr. John Harvey, and others, I seek to teach excellently but also to be characterized by academic hospitality both inside and outside the classroom.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I would like to thank the CIU faculty and staff for their hospitality, encouragement, and friendship.

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